
語学教育、留学サポート 誠心誠意サポート提供中

TOEIC 倒置(inversion)について 解説

TOEIC講座 倒置(inversion) 解説
TOEIC用、実戦形式の解き放題の講座「英語ビュッフェ【Eigo Buffet】」で学習中の生徒さまより、倒置(inversion)についてご質問をいただきましたので、







主語 → 動詞
I slept well.
I am OK.


動詞(助動詞) → 主語
There is a pen.
A pen is there.

Here is your key.
Your key is here.

So cold was the night that I could not sleep.
The night was so cold that I could not sleep.

Only after you finish the task, can you join us.
Only after you finish the task, you can join us.

If you have any questions, please ask.
If you should have any questions, please ask.
Should you have any questions, please ask.



TOEIC対策のご相談は、USA Clubまで。